Gold Plated Necklaces

Why Gold Plated Necklaces Shine with Elegance and Stay Tarnish-Free?


Gold plated necklaces are not only luxurious, but they also come with an added advantage - they are anti-tarnish. But what does that mean? 

Have you ever noticed how some jewelry starts to lose its shine over time, ending up looking dull and old? This is typically due to tarnish, a reaction that happens when certain metals are exposed to oxygen. Tarnish can quickly take away from the aesthetic appeal of a piece of jewelry, making it appear less than perfect. 

However, when it comes to gold plated necklaces, you don’t have to worry about this issue. Gold plated necklaces feature a thin layer of gold that essentially protects the underlying metal, ensuring it does not interact with oxygen and succumb to tarnishing. 

Gold Plated Necklaces: A Touch of Luxury that Lasts 

Another significant advantage of gold plated necklaces is their luxurious look. Gold has long been associated with wealth and luxury, evoking images of grandeur and elegance. A gold-plated necklace thus allows you to experience this sense of luxury at a fraction of the cost of pure gold jewelry. 

Even more, these necklaces are expertly crafted to ensure the gold layer is even and polished to perfection, resulting in a high shine finish that is sure to attract attention. So whether you're wearing it for a special occasion or as part of your everyday attire, a gold plated necklace always stands out. 

Gold plating's anti-tarnish property, coupled with its luxurious appearance, makes gold plated necklaces an excellent choice for those who value both style and longevity in their jewelry pieces.

The thickness of the gold plating can vary, typically ranging from 0.5 to 2.5 microns.

How is a gold plated necklace made?

Manufacturing a gold-plated necklace is a delicate process that involves multiple steps. Not only does this intricate procedure require skill and precision, but it also calls for a keen understanding of the metal's properties. Let's delve into the key stages that bring a luxurious, anti-tarnish gold-plated necklace to life. 

Step 1: Base Metal Selection 

Gold-plating does not imply that the entire necklace is made of gold. Instead, it starts with a base metal that serves as the foundation. Common base materials include brass or copper due to their superb durability and affordability. The first step in creating a gold plated necklace is, therefore, picking and preparing the base metal. 

Step 2: Design and Molding 

After identifying the base metal, the jewelry maker transforms it into the intended shape. This involves engraving, casting, and other intricate procedures to achieve a stunning design. This artistically sculpted piece is then polished to ensure a flawless surface, ready for gold plating.

Step 3: The Gold Plating Process 

This is where the magic happens - where the humble base metal gets its gleaming upgrade. The necklace is given a bath in a solution containing gold, typically in the form of gold cyanide. Electrolysis is then used to bond the gold onto the base metal. The result is a piece of jewelry with a lustrous, authentic gold appearance. 

Typically, the more gold layers applied, the higher the quality and durability of the necklace. Gold-plating encompasses varying degrees of thickness, with better quality pieces featuring heavier plating. 

Step 4: Ensuring the Anti-Tarnish Property 

But what about tarnishing, you might ask? Well, great question! To ensure the anti-tarnish property, the freshly gold-plated necklace goes through a final clear coating. This coating design serves as a barrier from the environmental elements that could otherwise cause the gold to lose its shine. 

And there you have it! That's how a gold-plated necklace is skillfully crafted, flaunting a luxurious shine while also ensuring long-lasting anti-tarnish properties. Now you can better appreciate the fine craftsmanship that enhances its allure while promising longevity for your treasured piece. 

Can I wear a gold plated necklace while swimming?

You might be wondering if you can show off your shimmering gold plated necklace while taking a dip. Well, think twice before doing so. Water, especially chlorinated and salty water, can compromise the longevity of your gold plated jewelry. Let's delve into why this is so. 

What Happens When Gold Plated Necklace Meets Water 

Gold plated necklaces are created by applying a thin layer of gold over a base metal. This makeup, while luxurious and appealing, can present some challenges when exposed to water, leading to potential damage or discoloration. 

  • Chlorinated Water: This type of water is often found in swimming pools. Chlorine can chemically react with the gold plating, stripping it away and exposing the base metal. Over time, this can cause your necklace to lose its signature golden shine.
  • Salt Water: Much like chlorine, salt water can be corrosive to gold plated jewelry. The salt crystals can eat away at the gold plating, leaving the base metal exposed and prone to tarnishing.


How to Preserve Your Gold Plated Necklace

When it comes to preserving your gold plated necklace, it's important to note that while it can certainly withstand a measure of wear and tear, certain practices can prolong its luxurious look and anti-tarnish properties. Here's a few tips to help you keep your gold plated necklace looking its best: 

  • Handling: Always pick your necklace up by its chain, not the pendant or locket. Touching these parts can potentially rub off the gold plating.
  • Storage: When not in use, preferably store your necklace in a lined jewelry box. Storing it away will protect it from scratching against other jewelry or rough surfaces.
  • Cleaning: Clean your gold plated necklace gently with a soft cloth. Try not to over clean or scrub too hard as this can degrade the gold plating. Refer to this link for more in-depth information. Clean Your Necklace
  • Avoid contact with chemicals: If possible, take off your gold plated necklace when you're cleaning or applying beauty products. Harsh chemicals can erode the gold coating.

How do I take care of a gold plated necklace?

Proper care of your gold plated necklace can significantly extend its lustrous life. It's essential that you're aware how to maintain the elegance and prevent tarnish to keep it looking luxurious all the time. Here are some practical tips to accomplish this: 

Storing Your Gold Plated Necklace 

Proper storage plays a key role in maintaining the luster of your necklace. Always store it in a cool, dry place and consider using a jewelry box with compartments to keep it from rubbing against other pieces. Wrapping individual pieces in soft cloth can also prevent scratches. 

Cleaning the Necklace 

Cleaning your piece regularly helps ward off tarnish and retains its shine. It's best to use warm water, a mild soap, and a soft bristled brush. Remember, over-cleaning can lead to wear and damage, so less is often more. After cleaning, it's important to dry it thoroughly before storing. 

Avoiding Chemical Exposure 

Exposure to chemicals can tarnish your necklace or even strip its gold finish altogether. Avoid wearing your necklace while bathing, swimming, or using cleaning products. Also, remember to put on your jewelry last when getting ready for the day to keep makeup, hairspray, and perfume from contacting it. 

Paying Attention to Wear and Tear 

Despite our best efforts, wear and tear is inevitable. Regularly inspect your necklace for signs of tarnish, discoloration, or loose linkages that need adjusting. If the gold plating is wearing down, you might need to have it re-plated to restore its luxurious shine. 

With these pointers in mind, you can ensure that your gold-plated necklace continues to look luxurious for a long time. Not only will you feel more elegant, but you’ll also make the most of your investment.

Can I get a gold plated necklace repaired if it gets damaged? 

Restoring Your Gold Plated Necklace 

Accidents can happen, and your beloved gold-plated necklace might end up tainted or damaged. Don't worry! In many cases, your cherished piece can be restored to its original glory. It's important to know when and how to seek professional help. 

Understanding the Damage 

Firstly, assess the level of harm. If the necklace is simply tarnished or has minor scratches, you might be able to handle the restoration at home. Keep in mind, excessive polishing is harmful as it wears away the gold layer. However, if the damage is severe, like dents or loosening of stones, it's best to consult a professional jeweler. 

Home Restoration 

For minor aesthetic issues, you can carefully polish the necklace using a specialized gold cloth. Always remember to be gentle. Some brands offer touch-up solutions, specific for gold plated items. However, it’s important that you strictly follow the instructions on the packaging to avoid damaging the necklace further. 

Professional Restoration 

If the necklace is significantly damaged, the home restoration might not suffice. A reliable jeweler can examine the necklace, identify the best approach, and execute the repair skillfully. Depending on the nature of the damage, the necklace may need to be re-plated. 

Prevention is Key 

Damage to your gold-plated necklace can be disheartening but remember, the key is prevention. Always treat your jewelry with care, keep it stored properly, and avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals. Following these guidelines can increase the lifespan of your gold-plated necklace and keep it looking luxurious for years. 

Finding a Reliable Jeweler 

When choosing a jeweler for repairs, opt for one that is reputable and experienced in handling gold-plated items. Don't hesitate to ask questions about their process and ensure they offer a guarantee for their work. A great jeweler is an investment for the longevity of all your jewelry.



Where to Buy? 

When it comes to buying a gold plated necklace, there are several options available. One of the most common places to purchase a gold plated necklace is at a jewelry store. These stores often carry a wide range of styles and designs, allowing you to find the perfect necklace to suit your taste. Additionally, jewelry stores usually have knowledgeable staff who can assist you in finding the right necklace and provide information about its quality and durability.

Another option is to purchase a gold plated necklace online. There are numerous websites that specialize in selling jewelry, including gold plated necklaces. We recommend shopping at Peachy Accessories.
Peachy Accessories Necklaces

Online shopping offers convenience and the ability to compare prices and styles from different sellers. However, it is important to ensure that you are buying from a reputable website to avoid counterfeit or low-quality products. Look for websites with positive customer reviews and secure payment

modern jewellery


In conclusion

Gold plated necklaces offer the best of both worlds - the elegance of gold and the promise of longevity with their anti-tarnish properties. They're a testament to the fact that luxury needn't always be expensive and that quality doesn't mean you have to compromise on style. So why not add a gold plated necklace to your collection today? You'll love the glamour and durability it brings.

Shop Gold plated Necklaces from Peachy Accessories Here.

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